On my list of things to do is to trim the grasses that line the path at the front of the house. I am not sure if I got what I expected. I was hoping for a neat avenue of grasses around 3-4 foot high tickling up to the path and inviting people to the house. I was also hoping for plants without any overly fussy care needs, like water.
Sadly, I seem to have gotten the wrong ones. They are over 7 foot. If you use the path after rain or dew you pretty well need to be in a wet suit. On the up side, during some horrific heat waves this summer where many of the dry-land plants were starting to collapse in desperation, the grasses just kept their stalks up and waited it out.
So, in the absence of several hundred smackeroos or a propagating fest to replace the dear things, I thought I would give them a hair cut and just manage their legginess with regular trims. (Cue dark, sarcastic chuckle.)
I intended to do this about a year ago. No action so far.*
On the up side, they do make a nice swishy wave when the wind blows. A recent rearrangement of the lounge means I can sit on the sofa and watch them swoosh, spreading their seeds about the garden with the clear intent of total domination - kind of like triffids but with less lethality and propensity to wait around for your corpse to decompose.
*I like to think that a recent (weeeeellll, three years ago) accident with the secateurs involving a fast doctor visit, a tetanus injection, a week of dressing changes and a course of antibiotics is a contributing factor to my trimming sloth.
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