What would you like to be when you grow up?
At 43, I suspect I am grown.
My brothers started on a new career at around this age - this included doing a new university degree before post-graduate training. It is a bit early to tell how it is going to work out for them but you have to admire their persistance.
I am not sure if I can be bothered with another degree. The problem I have is that I was fine with my previous career. I just got a bit bored with it and it was difficult with little monsters. I don't feel a dreadful need to launch into some new field of endeavour.
When I was a youngster I rather fancied being a meteorologist. I still fancy it a bit. I would need to be taken on in the graduate intake at the Bureau of Meteorology and I would need more physics for that. I always hated physics and the thought of having to take it up again at this late stage makes me feel slightly ill. Perhaps I should abandon all thoughts. There is probably quite a bit of physics is meteorology. And computing (double ick) and applied mathematics (triple ick).
This mid-career malaise is all rather tiresome.
It would be nice to snap my fingers and have the whole career-thingie go away. I would like to be working somewhere not too far away in an interesting role with civilised people part time, so I can pick up the monsters from school. Hmm, that sounds easy. I'll just pop off and do it.
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