Well, that one whizzed by. I have emerged from bed after a week of flu, tired, weak and in desperate need of something delicious. Sadly the tummy is not ready for deliciousity so I shall continue with the raw veg and toast for a little longer.
After a number of days without, I had a weak coffee with skim milk this morning. Two things I wish to say about that. Firstly, I can't be that much of a caffeine addict if I can go without for days simply because I couldn't get out of bed to make it (or hold it down should I attempt to sip). Definitely not an addict, haha haha ha! Secondly, weak coffee on skim is CRAP, but it is better than no coffee at all (said in a pathetic, grateful voice).
So you see, I must be better.
Mind you, it definitely doesn't help when you are contemplating yet another slice of toast and your father describes the cheesecake he is just about to fork into for morning tea. Bad father. Go back to your rust patch, you dessert gloater.